Essential Tips to Wash Your Clip-in Hair Extensions

Washing Clip-in Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are perfect way to add desired length, volume, and style to your natural hairs. Clip-in hair extensions are soft for your scalp than tape-in extensions. You don’t need any kind of glue, chemicals, or heat for application.

Hair extensions require care and attention to keep them looking in good condition. Washing your hair removes any product you have applied, any dust from environment, and also improves the look of your hair extensions. Here are important tips to wash your human hair clip-in extensions and get them looking their best.

Prepare Your Extensions for Washing

Like your natural hair growth, you should brush your hair before washing to smooth any tangles so it’s quite easier to wash and clean. For comfort, place the extensions together on a flat surface to comb properly.

Use Lukewarm Water

Put the human hair extensions in a sink or bath of lukewarm water to avoid getting the clip-in extensions wet so you can hold them easily.

Cowashing Technique

In conditioner-only washing or cowashing, a hair conditioner is used to wash the hair. Unless you have oily hair, conditioner is all you need to do a thorough washing. After being massaged into the scalp and hair, conditioner helps to loosen dirt, oil, and products from the hair, much like shampoo. After that, it’s just the act of rinsing the hair with water.

Rinse Properly

Simply hold one or two wefts at a time, gently rinse the hair extensions with warm water. You can use the fingers of your other hand to comb downwards, to help carry the product off the hair.  If conditioner is not completely rinsed out it will remain on the hair strands, attracting dirt and making it hard to produce much volume even after it’s dry.

Let Your Extensions Dry Naturally and Brush Out Tangles

Gently squeeze the water out from top to bottom using a soft towel to remove most of the moisture. Use hair brush to get smooth and tangle-free hair.

Get the most out of your hair extensions with professional hair stylists in Vaughan. Hair extension professionals give importance to hair care and the care of all types of hair extensions.

Get Your Desired Look with Hair Extensions in Vaughan

Restore the shine of your hair extensions with us! Consult our experienced hair stylists to protect your hair extensions from damage and help them last longer by giving them the care and attention they need. Contact us today to learn more about our easy to use hair extensions in Vaughan.

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