How Does Your Diet Affect Your Hair Health?

A healthy diet is essential for almost every part of your body. It not only just affects you physically and mentally but also has plenty to do with your hair. What you eat on regular basis, affects your life and has a major impact on the health of your hair. The impact of diet on...

Hair Extensions or Hair Transplant? Which one is better?

Hair loss is one of the most painful experiences that people of different ages undergo. Those with fine, thin, and short hair keep looking for things that can help them change their hair look. But changing the volume and texture of natural hair is not as easy as it seems to be.   Women choose...

Do’s and Don’ts of Caring for Dyed Hair

One of the major issues that people with dyed hair usually face is taking care of their hair properly. As compared to natural, uncolored hair, dyed hair need more care and maintenance. A major reason behind this is the use of coloring products, some serums, and chemicals, that are used for dyeing hair. Dyed hair...

Essential Things You Need To Know Before Removing Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are known and preferred worldwide for a variety of reasons. Some people use them to improve their hair look while others prefer them to complete the desire of having long, voluminous hair. Those who lose their natural hair due to any accident, wrong hair treatment, or disease also choose hair extensions to get...